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Adult On Camera


For actors who have completed On Camera 1 or its equivalent (eligibility determined by ASC), this class digs deeper into the skills necessary to bring your best to the audition room. Students will break down scenes for a variety of roles and genres, including commercial and co-star and supporting roles for television and film across different styles- with emphasis placed on the roles Chicago actors are most likely to encounter. Each week involves on-camera work as well as watching/discussing playback.

  • Commercials and Improv
  • Breaking down Co-star roles for television
  • Breaking down supporting roles for film
  • Delivering that coveted “third take” the first time
  • Interpreting and Implementing adjustments in the callback
  • Self-Taping Introduced: Many assignments will be self-tapes
  • How the Industry varies (CHI/LA/NY)
  • Business Info: properly listing credits/getting great headshots/finding work/agent-actor relationship/self-taping

Required: On Camera 1 or prior acting training and experience- determined by headshot and resume and/or a placement audition.


In the event of inclement winter weather, your class will move to Zoom. ASC staff will make the decision by 3 pm the day of class and send you a Zoom link via email and text.

Tuition: $425

8 Weeks

Upcoming Classes

Mondays, 6:00p-9:30p

Starts February 17

This class is full.

Sign up / log in to join waitlist to join the waitlist.

Charles Andrew Gardner

Born and raised on Chicago's south side, Charles is an experienced actor, director, producer, and teaching artist.

More about Charles Andrew

Thursdays, 6:00p-9:30p

Starts March 6

This class is full.

Sign up / log in to join waitlist to join the waitlist.

Charles Andrew Gardner

Born and raised on Chicago's south side, Charles is an experienced actor, director, producer, and teaching artist.

More about Charles Andrew

Tuesdays, 6:00p-9:30p

Starts April 22

This class has a pre-requisite: ON CAMERA 1.

If you have the equivalent experience...

Charles Andrew Gardner

Born and raised on Chicago's south side, Charles is an experienced actor, director, producer, and teaching artist.

More about Charles Andrew

Thursdays, 6:00p-9:30p

Starts May 1

This class has a pre-requisite: ON CAMERA 1.

If you have the equivalent experience...

Charles Andrew Gardner

Born and raised on Chicago's south side, Charles is an experienced actor, director, producer, and teaching artist.

More about Charles Andrew



I took On-Camera 2 w/ Coburn Goss and left the class feeling more confident about acting on camera. I enjoyed listening to the feedback given to students and seeing how we all progressed throughout the 8-week course. Highly recommended! 

— Cayge Clements

Charles (Andrew Gardner) did an excellent job of creating a safe environment. I never felt embarrassed when making a bold choice, and he always lifted us up and encouraged us in our learning process! (On Camera II: In Person)

— Taylor Moran

He (Charles Andrew Gardner - On Camera 2 Online) made sure that everyone in class got time in front of the camera, gave good feedback, and opportunities to apply that feedback. He spread his time to each student very well.

— Reagan James

Charles (Charles Andrew Gardner - On Camera 2) was amazing! This class exceeded my expectations. I learned so much from Charles and his feedback was always very constructive and useful. I've signed up for Camera 3!

— Andy Ricci

Coby (Coburn Goss, instructor - On Camera 2) helped me to feel really equipped for future auditions. I have a much better sense of where my work stands as an actor.

— Ethan Peterson August

"Coby (Coburn Goss, Instructor- On Camera 2) provided very constructive criticism and always presented and communicated in a supportive, direct, and relatable way.  Acting Studio Chicago is wonderful and I will continue to recommend/refer several friends here!"

— Camera 2 Student

"Coby (Coburn Goss, Instructor- On Camera 2)  was very constructive and helpful.  He was great at giving direction and had a lot of patience to do multiple takes until we got it just right."

— Camera 2 Student


Look Who's Working!


McGuire Price booked a commercial for Booking.com!