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Adult On Camera


Many working actors are confident in their on-stage craft but want to expand their skill-set and build confidence in front of the camera. In this class, actors will learn how to prep in real audition time for roles in various genres and styles, including procedurals, melodramas, sci-fi/fantasy, sitcoms, and commercial copy. Audition and business strategies are discussed, as well as scene work and playback every week.

Two to three of the session's classes will take place on Zoom. As self-taping, Zoom auditions, and Zoom callbacks are the new normal, navigating the platform confidently is essential. Learn strategies to "connect in the Zoom room," while navigating commercial or film/TV auditions.

This class is ideal for the actor with a BFA or MFA in Theatre with several post-collegiate, professional theatre credits. 

Required: A strong theatre background and prior training determined by headshot and resume.


In the event of inclement winter weather, your class will move to Zoom. ASC staff will make the decision by 3 pm the day of class and send you a Zoom link via email and text.

Tuition: $425

8 Weeks

Upcoming Classes

Tuesdays, 6:00p-9:30p

Starts February 18

Only 2 spots left!

This class has a pre-requisite: ON CAMERA 2.

If you have the equivalent experience...

Janelle Snow

Janelle is a graduate of NU and Harvard and has been active in our acting community for over 2 decades.

More about Janelle

Thursdays, 1:00p-4:30p

Starts February 20

This class has a pre-requisite: ON CAMERA 2.

If you have the equivalent experience...

Janelle Snow

Janelle is a graduate of NU and Harvard and has been active in our acting community for over 2 decades.

More about Janelle

Tuesdays, 6:00p-9:30p

Starts April 22

This class has a pre-requisite: ON CAMERA 2.

If you have the equivalent experience...

Janelle Snow

Janelle is a graduate of NU and Harvard and has been active in our acting community for over 2 decades.

More about Janelle

Thursdays, 1:00p-4:30p

Starts April 24

This class has a pre-requisite: ON CAMERA 2.

If you have the equivalent experience...

Janelle Snow

Janelle is a graduate of NU and Harvard and has been active in our acting community for over 2 decades.

More about Janelle



Janelle Snow was amazing. Generous, passionate, precise, didactic and fun! I would gladly take a second course of hers! (Advanced on Camera)

— Angela Brandao

The most rewarding aspect of Janelle Snow's Advanced Camera class was meeting new people. I've made some really lovely friends who are actively carving out space for themselves in the industry.

— Alexandra Chopson

Janelle (Snow, Camera 3) helped me to strengthen my skills in front of the camera and taught me a lot about the Chicago acting scene. Her knowledge is so beneficial and she knows exactly how to bring out the best in each individual.

— Nicole Tini


Look Who's Working!


McGuire Price booked a commercial for Booking.com!