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Adult Voiceover


This 6-week intensive is designed for those who have completed Beginning Voiceover or have a voiceover demo and previous studio experience. This class explores both recording from home skills, as well as working in a studio environment. Our first and last classes will be held online via Zoom. Classes 2-5 will take place at Chicago Recording Company, a professional recording studio at 55 W. Wacker.

Taught by  Voice Artist & BAM Recording Studio Engineer David Leffel, this course further improves and expands upon the skills you’ve already acquired in our ASC Online or In Person Beginning VO class. In addition to refining and perfecting your work behind the microphone, this 6-week course also introduces you to the business of voiceover and what it's like to audition and work in that area of the industry.

Required: Beginning Voiceover or equivalent training. We recommend non-actors take Core Class: Level 1 before pursuing Voice Over. 

Students must have internet access, as well as a computer/cell phone/tablet with a working camera and microphone.


In the event of inclement winter weather, your class will move to Zoom. ASC staff will make the decision by 3 pm the day of class and send you a Zoom link via email and text.


Tuition: $475

6 Weeks: 4 at C.R.C & 2 Online

Upcoming Classes

Wednesdays, 6:00p-9:00p

Starts February 26

Only 1 spot left!

This class has a pre-requisite: BEGINNING VOICEOVER: IN PERSON.

If you have the equivalent experience...

David Leffel

Dave is a veteran VO artist and audio engineer specializing in sound for Radio, Film, and TV at BAM Studios.

More about David

Wednesdays, 6:00p-9:00p

Starts April 30

This class has a pre-requisite: BEGINNING VOICEOVER: IN PERSON.

If you have the equivalent experience...

Jeff Lupetin

Jeff is an author and award winning VO artist recognized for his work for SC Johnson and Procter & Gamble.

More about Jeff



Jeff Lupetin (Intermediate Voiceover Combo) provided a safe space to experiment and learn, in addition to his obvious expertise.

— Sam Musillami

Jeff's (Lupetin — Intermediate Voice Over) friendly and casual manner really worked for me. His class was definitely a safe space, and that made my reads so much better.

— Katie Roussos


Look Who's Working!


McGuire Price booked a commercial for Booking.com!