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6 Tips for Memorization

Prioritize and Memorize! 6 Tips To Help You Memorize Your Lines

6 Tips to Help You Memorize Your Lines by Christy Arington As an actor who does a lot of Shakespeare, I’m often asked the question, “How do you memorize all of those lines?” I’ve found that there are a lot of different techniques that can help you along the path of memorization and believe me, I’ve tried them all. There are a few sure tricks that I can suggest that…

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When You Feel Like Quitting The Biz

The life of an actor can be exhausting. Auditions, classes, rehearsals, performances, day jobs, relationships, families, pets…sometimes it can be overwhelming. It’s natural that sometimes, we all have thoughts of quitting the business. Gina D’Ercoli offers some insight for those times when you feel like quitting. When You Feel Like Quitting by Gina D’Ercoli Quit for awhile.  See if you miss it.  See if you don’t. Quitting isn’t the end…

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Having Trouble Doing It All? 6 Apps for Actors Who Could Use A Little Help.

   7 Apps For Actors Cell phones. We all have them and we all spend a lot of time on them. In this crazy world of technology, why not use your phone to stay better organized, to learn lines or even rehearse with a partner.  As actors, our lives can get quite frenzied. These 7 Apps for Actors can help you achieve your goals and stay on top of your…

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ADR: What is it?

ADR – What the heck is that?

ADR – What the heck is that? By Dave Leffel One of the biggest loves of my job is simply telling people just how we get stuff done. Now I know I am not the only audio guy around, so my opinion and work practices may very well differ from someone else’s. However, with 27 years under my belt, I have had the opportunity to work in a variety of…

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8 Tips for Finding Great Monologues

8 Tips for Finding Great Monologues by Studio Director Rachael Patterson As an actor, there are aspects of your career in which you are in the driver’s seat and many variables that are completely out of your control.  Your training, education, professionalism, work ethic, headshots, resume, and monologue selection are variables that you can control.  And while finding great monologues is essential, finding material that speaks to you, is age-appropriate,…

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How To Rock Your Performance With A Sore Throat

How To Rock Your Performance (or audition) With A Sore Throat!  by Kate DeVore You have an audition at 2:00pm and your throat is sore. You have a performance later that night and you’re worried that you might lose your voice. What do you do? Kate DeVore, a speech pathologist and dialect coach extraordinaire, has some useful tips for helping with that pesky sore throat. Performing When You’re Hoarse or…

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Commercial Audition Advice from a Pro!

It’s All In The Timing Advice for the Commercial Audition by Matt Miller Commercial copy is intensely structured stuff and actors often don’t realize how they can use the structure of the commercial to their advantage when preparing their commercial audition. Fun fact: a broadcast TV commercial—and this is a notable designation as commercials made for the internet do not have the same rules—must fit into a very rigid running…

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10 Tips for Getting Representation

10 Tips for Getting Representation by Studio Director Rachael Patterson Do your homework like a pro & make agents notice!   1. Do your homework. Every franchised SAG-AFTRA talent agency has a website. Read what they’ve written about their agency, then look at the actors they represent. Do you see anyone who looks like your “type?” If you can, look at that actor’s resume and see where they have trained,…

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SELF HELP FOR SELF TAPING 8 Great Tips for Audition Success       by Gail Rastorfer of Artistic Strategies   More and more on-camera casting AND theatres are accepting digital submissions and while it’s preferable that you stroll on over to your agents office(if you have an agent) or a studio(if you know of one) to lay that audition down, a lack of time and resources may not make…

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Audition like a winner!

8 Tips For Successful Auditoning

 8 TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL AUDITIONING by Rachael Patterson, Studio Director 1. When auditioning use YOURSELF to make choices that will stand-out. This is not the same as “being yourself.” You must personalize the role, the given circumstances and the images with YOUR history, YOUR intelligence, YOUR sense of humor, YOUR physicality.  2. Do NOT seek reassurance/affirmation  from the casting director…KNOW you are in the RIGHT PLACE. NEVER APOLOGIZE. NEVER ASK IF YOUR AUDITION…

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