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Is Your Child Ready For A Kids Talent Agency?

Four steps from Chicago’s top agents on how to know when you as a parent are ready to get your child proper industry representation.

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2nd A.D. Nicole McGovern

An Interview with Nicole McGovern, 2nd A.D.

by Matt Miller I have had the pleasure of working with Nicole McGovern as a 2nd Assistant Director on a few commercial jobs now and I’m so happy that she had the time to answer some questions about her work. Below is a short interview covering the basics of the 2nd Assistant Director position as well as some of Nicole’s tips for actors on set. MM: What are the primary…

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Self-Directing Your Animation Voice Over

You’ve done it! You’ve gotten an amazing voiceover agent. The sound equipment you’ve put together is perfectly suited for your voice and your home studio is an oasis of creativity. After months of commercial auditions, your inbox dings with the opportunity you’ve been waiting for since starting your voiceover journey: an animation audition! Panic sets in. It has been your dream to audition for animation since you were old enough…

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3 Tax Tips for Actors

3 Tax Tips for Actors from David Turrentine by Adriana Trajkovski As most actors know, the hardest part of this crazy biz is staying afloat financially while pursuing your career. These Tax Tips for Actors are here to help! Actors need to manage their money and find daytime gigs that have flexibility for auditioning/rehearsing.  One essential part of money management is understanding taxes; something that actors can find scary and…

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You booked that commercial job–what’s next? Your wardrobe fitting, where making the choice as an actor to risk enthusiasm always pays off!

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The Reel Deal

You’ve self-taped, booked the job, your scene has finally aired. Now let’s put together your demo reel with Aircheck!

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Acting Life During a Strike

How do you stay creative and busy during an actor’s strike? We have some ideas!

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Get Physical! Voice Over VS On-Camera

Get Physical! Voice Over VS On-Camera  Written by Allison Latta, edited by Destini Huston What is the difference between preparing for voice over vs on-camera auditions? A lot of people assume that preparation for VO is somehow less involved than on-camera. You aren’t required to memorize anything and you can wear whatever you want, right? This is partly true. Still, I’m convinced that there’s equal prep involved in a VO…

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How to Pick an Audition Monologue

We know finding a great audition monologue is only half the battle, so in 7 steps, we’ll help you pick a perfect one!

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The Power of a Positive Mindset for Actors

Can Positivity actually affect your acting? Take a look at our newest Blog post!

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6 Tips to Help You Memorize Your Lines

We’ve all had last minute auditions. Luckily for you, we’ve compiled six helpful tips to help you memorize your lines at the last minute!

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