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Kids and Teens - Specialty Classes


Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, or lost when your kid gets an audition/self-tape request? In the newer world of self-taping and auditioning, parents/guardians are tasked with being the director, the reader, the chauffeur, the wardrobe department, hair + makeup, etc. It's A LOT! And if you have no background or experience in the arts, you can feel like a fish out of water. 

In this workshop, you'll have the rare opportunity to prep a Film/TV scene with your actor under the supervision and guidance of Emmy winning Casting Director AJ Links. Your actor will perform the sides live with you as the reader, and AJ will provide focus and notes to YOU so you can support the actor best and truly help them shine. Here you'll learn how to help your actor prepare material without over-preparing or over-directing and clarify/specify your own performance as their reader. Hone your skills so you can be the most supportive you can be!

*Limited to 10 pairs (1 guardian and 1 kid)

Tuition: $150

1 Day Workshop

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